When applying for your consent you will need to supply the supporting information and details on the items listed. This is not an exhaustive list but many applications do not cover these aspects and leading to extended processing times, extra fees charged and frustration.
We need to have a current Certificate of Title, lease agreements and the like. We not only have to be sure of who the owner is but also of any caveats, encumbrances and restrictions on the title.
Using an Agent
We need to have written proof to show that the owner has/is using the agent stated in the application - an email can be used.
Specified Intended Life
If the building is only temporary or has a specified intended life of less than 50 years, the details need to be clear as to why this is. Find more guidance here:
Specified Intended Life
Restricted Building Work
Most new building work will be classed as Restricted Building Work and require an Licensed Building Practitioner to either design or undertake this.
Restricted Building Work - Guidance Notes
Restricted Building Work (building.govt.nz)
Change of use
If the building work results in a change of use for the structure, the new use can only be started once you are issued with a Code Compliance Certificate.
Change of Use
Using alternative solutions
If your project is using alternative solutions, then you must provide supporting evidence like reports or in-service history documentation on the product to prove it is compliant with the New Zealand Building Code. The following authorities give guidance and information.
Ministry Guidance on Building Product Certification (building.govt.nz)
Land subject to a natural hazard
If you are building in an area or on land subject to a natural hazard, like flooding or slippage, then reports on how you are planning to mitigate these hazards are required.
Natural hazards
Using or relocating a building
If you are using or relocating a building as part of your consent, like an old villa or maybe a new bungalow built in a factory, you need to be aware of the rules so please refer to our guidance material.
Relocated buildings and cabins
Public or industrial building to remain open
If your works are focused on a public or industrial building and you want it to remain open during the building work, or open while the building work is being completed, it will require a Certificate for Public Use.
Certificate for Public Use application(PDF, 234KB)
Note: You cannot open or use the building before issue of a Code Compliance Certificate unless you have a Certificate of Public Use, even if you believe the building work is complete.
Certificate of Public Use
Producer Statements
Producer Statements may be used as part of the design work and may also be required and stated as a condition on your Building Consent.
Building forms and documents
Building Guidance Notes
Producer Statements (building.govt.nz)