
Council strategy documents outline our goals and objectives, and the proposed steps we will take to achieve them.

21 Result(s) Found

The Active Recreation and Sport Strategy was developed by us, Sport New Zealand and Sport Northland, working in partnership and talking with the community. 

It looks at the things we do for fitness, fun or social connection - to participate or to get our heart rates up.

From biking, bowling, fishing and paddling through to our many formal sporting codes, our people love getting out and being active.

The aim of this strategy is to increase participation, improve the quality of the experience or the participant, and improve the economic, social and environmental sustainability of the facility network.

We have included recommendations that are comprehensive, apply across the District and across codes and facility types.

Sports field supply and demand study

The Sports Field Supply and Demand Study is an outcome from the recommendations within the Active Recreation and Sports Strategy.

The foundation of the study was to quantify the actual sports field capacity and the hours demanded for competition and training by code.  We would then implement a plan for sports field improvements (drainage and floodlight installation).

In addition to this, the plan was also to identify if there was a need for additional sports fields or additional artificial turf (if / when required) over the next 10 years.

Sports Field Supply and Demand Study(PDF, 1004KB)

Whangārei Indoor and Outdoor Courts Strategy

The Whangārei Indoor and Outdoor Courts Strategy is also an outcome from the recommendations of the Active Recreation and Sports Strategy. 

Whangārei Indoor and Outdoor Courts Strategy

He Rautaki Toi ā Rohe ō Whangārei, a strategy for arts, culture and heritage in the Whangārei District 2019-2029, represents the combined vision of Creative Northland, Whangarei District Council and the Creative Community.

It will help to build capacity for both our local arts and culture sector, and touring artistic and cultural groups.

It will help us to celebrate unique and authentic experiences, support Māori arts and culture, and encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, all while building sustainable growth for our District.

The Blue / Green Network Strategy aims to create an attractive and environmentally sustainable urban environment that also addresses threats from flooding and future climate change.

Blue / green networks are a way of planning, based around waterways (blue), and planting and parks (green).

These are managed together through a combination of infrastructure, ecological restoration and urban design to connect people and nature across the city.

The Community Halls Strategy sets out to:

  • provide a clear definition of what a ‘Community Hall’ is
  • clarify our roles and responsibilities to fund, manage and support the provision of community halls in the District
  • develop a framework for council funding for community halls in the district
  • recommend procedures in the event of disestablishment of a Community Hall.

The COVID-19 Response Strategy outlines our response to the impacts of COVID-19.

Council also launched a 10-Point Whangarei Economic Recovery Response, which includes a range of support initiatives for ratepayers, community and businesses.

Additionally, a $3m Relief Package is available to support community groups, local businesses and ratepayers through the economic shock.

There are a wide variety of open spaces in the city and District, which are an integral part of what we identify as Whangārei.  

The Open Spaces Strategy is about planning for these open spaces and how best to look after them in the future.

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