When details of a public work or project on a designated site are provided after the notice of requirement is granted, an outline plan is needed.
An outline plan is not needed if:
- the proposed work or project has been otherwise approved under the Resource Management Act 1991;
- the details of the proposed work or project are already incorporated into the designation; or
- we have granted a waiver to the requirement for an outline plan.
An outline plan must show:
- the height, shape, and bulk of the public work, project, or work
- the location on the site of the public work, project, or work
- the likely finished contour of the site
- vehicle access, circulation, and the provision for parking
- the landscaping proposed
- any other matters to avoid, remedy, or mitigate any adverse effects on the environment.
We will consider and request any changes to an outline plan within 20 working days.
Other planning approvals application(PDF, 251KB)