Code Mark Products, Systems and Alternative Solutions
Whangarei District Council is an accredited Building Consent Authority as defined in the Building Act 2004.
Building (Accreditation of Building Consent Authorities) Regulations 2006
The scope limits council to only issue building consent and code compliance certificates on building work undertaken within New Zealand.
This also means that it cannot, singularly, assess building products, systems or assemblies for compliance to the New Zealand Building Code where foreign standards of compliance may be present, or with an overseas code mark.
The Ministry offers good guidance on this subject and this should be understood if making application with these types of product.
Ministry Guidance on Building Product Certification
The following link will provide further guidance on assemblies that may be used in construction and product assurance.
Ministry Guidance on Off site construction
The multiproof scheme my be beneficial if you are looking at a standardised design or modular construction approach and you are intending to build or install multiple units per year.
Ministry Guidance on Multiproof
Alternative Solutions
The New Zealand Building Code is a performance based set of criteria that buildings and building products must meet.
There are in the building code, some design options that have, through time and common usage, been accepted as the "acceptable solutions" and buildings can be designed and built with just these items.
However, there are always different ways or methods of achieving an outcome and in building terms these are called "alternative solutions".
Alternative Solutions for Compliance with the Building Code